Thursday, November 17, 2011

You Should Stack Your Carrots...

Whenever I have the option to put carrots on my plate I always stack them. And I have a specific reason why although it may be considered to be completely absurd. It has something to do with being optimistic and positive. When you stack your carrots you make a pyramid/triangle that is pointing up. Optimistically positive people are looking up regularly. An arrow that points up has a lot more places to go than an arrow pointing down that will crash into the ground soon after its departure.

Right? Right.


  1. Depending on space available, sometimes I arrange my carrots into a three-sided corral, with the open side towards the edge of the plate. Since I just about always have ranch with my carrots, the ranch gets placed in the makeshift barrier. Then I eat the carrots, leaving the ones "holding" the ranch in place last. Is that weird? Probably, but it seems efficient to me.

  2. Incredible advice! I always put my ranch on one of the bottom ends of the pyramid and inevitably a carrot rolls from the top into it instead of rolling down the other side where there is no ranch pool waiting for it.
